Citation Information :
Zenóbio EG, Alves KM, Goursand D, Cruz RA. Effectiveness of Procedures for the Chemical-Mechanical Control of Dental Biofilm in Orthodontic Patients. J Contemp Dent Pract 2010; 11 (2):41-48.
Assess the effectiveness of chemicalmechanical control associated with orientation and motivation for the control of dental biofilm in orthodontic patients.
Methods and Materials
Thirty patients between 12 and 21 years of age wearing a fixed orthodontic appliance were divided into three groups. The control group (G1) received orientation regarding oral hygiene. The experimental groups (G2 and G3) received orientation regarding oral hygiene and diet as well as a hygiene kit and mouthwash; the mouthwash given to G2 was a placebo and that given to G3 contained essential oils (Listerine®).
In the comparison between T0 and T60, vestibular gingivitis was worse in G1 (p<0.05), with no statistically significant differences regarding lingual gingivitis and biofilm. G2 and G3 exhibited a significant improvement in clinical conditions. In the comparison between groups, G3 had undergone a significantly greater improvement than the other groups.
The use of the commercial mouthwash, together with mechanical oral hygiene, orientation, and motivation, proved to be adequate conduct for the maintenance of oral health in orthodontic patients.
Clinical Significance
The present study contributes toward the maintenance of oral health in patients who wear a fixed orthodontic appliance through the prevention of dental biofilm buildup.
Alves KM, Goursand D, Zenobio EG, Cruz RA. Effectiveness of Procedures for the Chemical-Mechanical Control of Dental Biofilm in Orthodontic Patients. J Contemp Dent Pract [Internet]. 2010 March; 11(2):041-048. Available from: volume11-issue2-alves.
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