Management of Crowded Class 1 Malocclusion with Serial Extractions: Report of a Case
Hayder A. Hashim
Citation Information :
Hashim HA. Management of Crowded Class 1 Malocclusion with Serial Extractions: Report of a Case. J Contemp Dent Pract 2010; 11 (4):41-48.
The purpose of this article is to show the value of serial extractions in a young patient with severe crowding.
Serial extraction is a technique advocated for use by Kjellgren1 in 1948 due to a shortage of orthodontists at the time. This form of treatment was intended to facilitate the treatment of orthodontic cases by general dentists to minimize the demand upon the orthodontist.
Case Description
An eight-year-old Sudanese female did not like the appearance of her anterior teeth. Clinical examination revealed a Class I molar relationship, severe crowding of the maxillary and mandibular arches, minimum overjet, and minimum overbite.
The patient's treatment included serial extractions. The treatment resulted in improved esthetics, good arch alignment, and occlusion while maintaining her Class I molar relationship, overjet, and overbite.
This case demonstrated that despite the criticism some may direct toward this interceptive technique, good clinical results can be achieved in carefully selected cases.
Clinical Significance
There are certain clinical situations when treatment planning the use of serial extractions can prove beneficial to young patients.
Hashim HA. Management of Crowded Class 1 Malocclusion with Serial Extractions: Report of a Case. J Contemp Dent Pract [Internet]. 2010 July; 11(4):041-048. Available from: volume11-issue4-hashim
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