Evaluation of Residual Antimicrobial Effects and Surface Changes of Gutta-Percha disinfected with Different Solutions
Mustafa Murat Koçak, G Şahinkesen, EA Oktay, Ö Er, A Kiliç
Citation Information :
Koçak MM, Şahinkesen G, Oktay E, Er Ö, Kiliç A. Evaluation of Residual Antimicrobial Effects and Surface Changes of Gutta-Percha disinfected with Different Solutions. J Contemp Dent Pract 2011; 12 (1):47-51.
To determine the possible residual antibacterial effects and possible surface changes caused by 5.25% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, 2% CHX and 0.05% Octenisept on in vitro gutta-percha points after different disinfection protocols.
Materials and methods
A total of 121 standard # 40, 0.2% gutta-percha cones were cut 10 mm from the tip, sterilized with ethylene oxide. The samples were divided into five groups, and each group was divided into three subgroups according to immersion periods of gutta-percha cones into solutions. One gutta-percha cone from each group was selected for SEM evaluation.
All of the tested solutions were effective on the selected microorganisms when compared with the control solution. No surface alterations were detected on the gutta-percha cones.
In the limits of this study, immersion of gutta-percha into 2% CHX for one minute was found the most effective method to eliminate the selected microorganisms.
Clinical significance
Although gutta-percha points are aseptic in their package, once opened and used, gutta-percha cones may be contaminated. In order to eliminate bacteria and not to cause surface changes on gutta-percha cones, disinfection solution must be selected carefully.
How to cite this article
Ôahinkesen G, Oktay EA, Er _, Koçak MM, Kiliç A. Evaluation of Residual Antimicrobial Effects and Surface Changes of Gutta-Percha disinfected with Different Solutions. J Contemp Dent Pract 2011;12(1):47-51.
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