The study highlighted the effect of patient-related factors on levels of pain felt by subjects during root canal treatment, as well as the association between treatment duration and pain severity.
Materials and methods
Maxillary central incisors with either necrotic pulp or irreversibly inflamed pulp, with or without preoperative pain were studied in 160 subjects aged 18 years and above. Subject's age and gender as well as pulp status and preoperative pain status were recorded. The procedure was done using a standard protocol. Visual analog scale was used to record the level of pain felt.
Those cases with irreversible pulpitis felt higher pain. None with necrotic pulp experienced intense pain, while those in the 51 to 60 year age bands had severe, unbearable or intense pain. Mild pain was a common denominator in all age bands. Pain level increased with treatment duration.
Except for age, the level of pain felt by subjects during RCT is significantly correlated with gender and pulp status. Furthermore, the experienced pain levels increased with treatment duration.
Clinical significance
Clinicians should be prepared to make use of supplemental local anesthesia in women and in teeth with IP. All treatment must be accomplished within reasonable time period.
How to cite this article
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