Comparison of Reproducibility of Natural Head Position using Two Methods
N Sanjay, Abdul Rahim Khan, MR Dinesh, KS Girish, Karthik Venkataraghavan
Citation Information :
Sanjay N, Khan AR, Dinesh M, Girish K, Venkataraghavan K. Comparison of Reproducibility of Natural Head Position using Two Methods. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (1):31-39.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and compare the maximum reproducibility with minimum variation of natural head position using two methods, i.e. the mirror method and the fluid level device method.
Materials and methods
The study included two sets of 40 lateral cephalograms taken using two methods of obtaining natural head position: (1) The mirror method and (2) fluid level device method, with a time interval of 2 months.
Inclusion criteria
• Subjects were randomly selected aged between 18 to 26 years
Exclusion criteria
• History of orthodontic treatment
• Any history of respiratory tract problem or chronic mouth breathing
• Any congenital deformity
• History of traumatically-induced deformity
• History of myofacial pain syndrome
• Any previous history of head and neck surgery.
The result showed that both the methods for obtaining natural head position—the mirror method and fluid level device method were comparable, but maximum reproducibility was more with the fluid level device as shown by the Dahlberg's coefficient and Bland-Altman plot. The minimum variance was seen with the fluid level device method as shown by Precision and Pearson correlation.
The mirror method and the fluid level device method used for obtaining natural head position were comparable without any significance, and the fluid level device method was more reproducible and showed less variance when compared to mirror method for obtaining natural head position.
Clinical significance
Fluid level device method was more reproducible and shows less variance when compared to mirror method for obtaining natural head position.
How to cite this article
Khan AR, Rajesh RNG, Dinesh MR, Sanjay N, Girish KS, Venkataraghavan K. Comparison of Reproducibility of Natural Head Position using Two Methods. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(1):31-39.
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