Clinical Evaluation of Caries Removal in Primary Teeth using Conventional, Chemomechanical and Laser Technique: An in vivo Study
Mariya R Bohari, Yusuf K Chunawalla, Bijle Mohammed Nadeem Ahmed
Citation Information :
Bohari MR, Chunawalla YK, Ahmed BM. Clinical Evaluation of Caries Removal in Primary Teeth using Conventional, Chemomechanical and Laser Technique: An in vivo Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (1):40-47.
To evaluate four different techniques of caries excavation in primary teeth in terms of efficacy, efficiency and pain experienced during the procedure.
Materials and methods
Sample of 120 teeth from children aged 5 to 9 years were equally divided into 4 groups – Air rotor (group A), Carisolv (group B), Papacarie (group C) and Er:YAG laser (group D). Visual and tactile criteria along with DIAGNOdent pen value was used to evaluate efficacy. Time was recorded to determine efficiency and FLACC scale was used to assess the pain experienced.
Air rotor and laser were more effective and efficient method whereas laser and CMCR methods were more comfortable methods.
Laser irradiation and CMCR methods are comparable to conventional methods in terms of effectiveness and are less painful methods.
Clinical significance
Newer techniques of CMCR and laser irradiation of dentinal caries are minimally invasive methods and are less painful and thus should be more frequently employed in pediatric dentistry.
How to cite this article
Bohari MR, Chunawalla YK, Ahmed BMN. Clinical Evaluation of Caries Removal in Primary Teeth using Conventional, Chemomechanical and Laser Technique: An in vivo Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(1):40-47.
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