An Assessment of Skeletal Craniofacial Asymmetry in South Indian Population
G Anil Kumar, Saibel Farishta, G Baiju, VK Taneja, RC Minocha, Dinesh Gopal
Citation Information :
Kumar GA, Farishta S, Baiju G, Taneja V, Minocha R, Gopal D. An Assessment of Skeletal Craniofacial Asymmetry in South Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (1):80-84.
Taneja VK, Kumar GA, Farishta S, Minocha RC, Baiju G, Gopal D. An Assessment of Skeletal Craniofacial Asymmetry in South Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(1):80-84.
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