Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Hydrophilic Bonding Materials: An in vitro Study
C Nirupama, Sarasa Kavitha, Josy Jacob, K Balaji, B Srinivasan, Ramakrishnan Murugesan, NR Krishnaswamy
Citation Information :
Nirupama C, Kavitha S, Jacob J, Balaji K, Srinivasan B, Murugesan R, Krishnaswamy N. Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Hydrophilic Bonding Materials: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (5):637-643.
The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the shear bond strength of hydrophilic materials like Transbond MIP with Assure-fluoride releasing light cure sealant paste system (Reliance orthodontic product), Enhance Lc-adhesion booster (Reliance Orthodontics) Prime and Bond NT–one step adhesive with nanotechnology (Dentsply Product India) with Transbond XT as the control group.
Materials and methods
The study was conducted on 180 extracted human premolar teeth which were divided into five main groups. Each group contained 36 teeth, which were further subdivided into three subgroups containing 12 teeth. The teeth were bonded in three different surface environments namely dry, contaminated with artificial saliva and reprimed after contamination with artificial salvia. The brackets were bonded and cured. The shear bond strength was tested using Instron universal testing machine (4501).
The results were subjected to statistical analysis like 3 factorial ANOVA and compared to post-hoc using the Student Newman levels test. The residual resin on the tooth surface after debonding was evaluated with adhesive remnant index.
Clinical significance
The results revealed that in situations in which moisture contamination is critical there is distinct advantage in using hydrophilic primers.
How to cite this article
Nirupama C, Kavitha S, Jacob J, Balaji K, Srinivasan B, Murugesan R, Krishnaswamy NR. Comparison of Shear Bond Strength of Hydrophilic Bonding Materials: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012;13(5): 637-643.
Enhance LC, Reliance Orthodontics Produit literature.
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