Orthodontic and Surgical Treatment of a Patient with Apert Syndrome
Demet Kaya, T Taner, M Aksu, EI Keser, G Tuncbilek, ME Mavili
Citation Information :
Kaya D, Taner T, Aksu M, Keser E, Tuncbilek G, Mavili M. Orthodontic and Surgical Treatment of a Patient with Apert Syndrome. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13 (5):729-734.
Kaya D, Taner T, Aksu M, Keser EI, Tuncbilek G, Mavili ME. Orthodontic and Surgical Treatment of a Patient with Apert Syndrome. J Contemp Dent Pract 2012; 13(5):729-734.
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