Sealing Ability of Various Restorative Materials as Coronal Barriers between Endodontic Appointments
Zalilah Tapsir, Hany Mohamed Aly Ahmed, Norhayati Luddin, Adam Husein
Citation Information :
Tapsir Z, Ahmed HM, Luddin N, Husein A. Sealing Ability of Various Restorative Materials as Coronal Barriers between Endodontic Appointments. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013; 14 (1):47-50.
To evaluate and compare the microleakage of various restorative materials used as coronal barriers between endodontic appointments.
Materials and methods
Eighty extracted human permanent posterior teeth were prepared for standardized access cavities with dimensions of 4 × 4 × 4 mm. The teeth were then randomly divided into four groups; Kalzinol, Caviton, GC Fuji IX and GC Fuji II LC. After incubation, the samples were immersed in 2% methylene blue for 7 days. The depth of penetration was measured using a digital macroscope after longitudinal sectioning of each tooth. Kruskal-Wallis (p < 0.05) and multiple Mann-Whitney test with Bonferroni correction (p < 0.008) were used for data analysis.
The degree of microleakage varied at the material/ tooth interface among the test materials, and the difference was statistically significant (p < 0.05). GC Fuji II LC group showed the least median microleakage value (0.8105 ± 0.305), followed by Caviton (1.1885 ± 0.396), GC Fuji IX (3.3985 ± 0.305) and Kalzinol (4.161 ± 0.853).
Within the limitations of this study, GC Fuji II LC exhibited the best marginal seal, and has the potential to be used as a suitable coronal barrier between endodontic appointments.
Clinical significance
Given the prime importance that dental practitioners should thoroughly restore any tooth with a suitable coronal barrier between endodontic appointments, this study shows that Fuji II LC has the ability to maintain a hermetic seal for 7 days.
How to cite this article
Tapsir Z, Ahmed HMA, Luddin N, Husein A. Sealing Ability of Various Restorative Materials as Coronal Barriers between Endodontic Appointments. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(1):47-50.
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