Evaluate the Usage of Different Advanced Endodontic Instruments and Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry
Anil Patil, Jyoti Mandlik, Anupam S Sharma, Mitesh D Kathariya, Rutiga H Jadav
Citation Information :
Patil A, Mandlik J, Sharma AS, Kathariya MD, Jadav RH. Evaluate the Usage of Different Advanced Endodontic Instruments and Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013; 14 (1):61-64.
The purpose of study is to find the prevalence of usage of different advanced endodontic instruments and techniques in pediatric dentistry.
Materials and methods
A self-administered, structured questionnaire written in English validated through a pretested survey was randomly mailed to the postgraduate students in different dental colleges. A total of 182 of the complete filled questionnaires were returned with response rate of 68.2%. The data were analyzed using the SPSS version 15.0. The Student's t-test and ANOVA test were used as test of significance. Karl Pearson's correlation test was used to assess years of education and usage of endodontic instruments.
There was a limited use of new endodontic technologies in the present study. The highest positive response to the usage of advanced endodontic instruments was related to NiTi rotary files with highest number seen among 3rd year students. A linear relationship was found between years of postgraduation and usage of advanced endodontic instruments using Karl Pearson's correlation coefficient.
Clinical significance
Based on the results of the present study, it seems that the usage of advanced endodontic instruments is not up to the level. Also we found increased use of new technologies with years of postgraduation.
How to cite this article
Kathariya MD, Patil S, Patil A, Jadav RH, Mandlik J, Sharma AS. Evaluate the Usage of Different Advanced Endodontic Instruments and Techniques in Pediatric Dentistry. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(1):61-64.
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