Degree of Conversion of Polymer-matrix Composite assessed by FTIR Analysis
Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, Marcelo Ferrarezi de Andrade, Shelon Cristina Souza Pinto, Alvaro Henrique Borges, Matheus Coelho Bandéca, Alessandra de Nara Souza Rastelli, José Roberto Cury Saad, Fábio Luis Miranda Pedro
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, de Andrade MF, Pinto SC, Borges AH, Bandéca MC, de Nara Souza Rastelli A, Saad JR, Pedro FL. Degree of Conversion of Polymer-matrix Composite assessed by FTIR Analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013; 14 (1):76-79.
The behavior of polymer-matrix composite is dependent on the degree of conversion. The aim of this study was to evaluate the degree of conversion of two resin cements following storage at 37°C immediately, 24 and 48 hours, and 7 days after light-curing by FTIR analysis.
Materials and methods
The specimens were made in a metallic mold and cured with blue LED with power density of 500 mW/ cm2 for 30 seconds. The specimens were pulverized, pressed with KBr and analyzed with FTIR following storage times.
Statistical analysis used
ANOVA (two-way) and Tukey's post hoc.
To the polymer-matrix composites between 24 and 48 hours does not show a significant increase (p > 0.05), however, the highest values were found after 7 days.
The polymer-matrix composites used in this study showed similarity on the degree of conversion and increased of according to the time of storage.
How to cite this article
Tonetto MR, Pinto SCS, de Nara Souza Rastelli A, Borges AH, Saad JRC, Pedro FLM, de Andrade MF, Bandéca MC. Degree of Conversion of Polymer-matrix Composite assessed by FTIR Analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2013;14(1):76-79.
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