Comparative Evaluation of Cariogenic and Erosive Potential of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Liquid Medicaments: An in vitro Study
Hrishikesh Walimbe, Mohammed Nadeem Ahmed Bijle, Ujwal Kontham, Ananth Kamath, Sneha Muchandi
Citation Information :
Walimbe H, Bijle MN, Kontham U, Kamath A, Muchandi S. Comparative Evaluation of Cariogenic and Erosive Potential of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Liquid Medicaments: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (1):20-25.
Liquid oral medicines being the most accepted form of medication in children are frequently prescribed. The harmful effects of these liquid medicaments on a child's dental health are not known to many. The present study aimed to evaluate and compare the cariogenic and erosive potential of 5 most commonly prescribed pediatric liquid medicaments (PLM) in Pimpri Chinchwad and Pune city, Pune district.
Materials and methods
Most commonly prescribed PLM in Pune district were selected as opined by 50 pediatricians. The selected medicaments were Syr. Augmentin®Duo, Syr. Valparin®, Syr. Combiflam®, Syr. Visyneral and Syr. Orofer®. An estimation of pH, percentage of sucrose concentration and calcium dissolving capacity of these preparations was carried out. The results as obtained were subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS v 17.0 for windows. The statistical test as undertaken was Pearson's correlation coefficient(r).
Sucrose was seen to be present in Syr. Combiflam® (35.75% ± 0.25%) and Syr. Visyneral (18.48% ± 0.43%). Acidic pH was observed for Syr. Visyneral (mean pH 3.63 ± 0.04), Syr. Combiflam® (mean pH 5.03 ± 0.02) and Syr. Augmentin® (mean pH 6.22 ± 0.02). Highest calcium dissolution was seen with Syr. Combiflam® (295.86 mg/ml) and the least with Syr. Orofer® (25.51 mg/ml). No statistical significant correlation was observed with calcium dissolution potential of PLM in comparison with their respective pH.
Syr. Combiflam® can be regarded as the highest cariogenic and erosive potential medicament among the compared and tested PLM.
Clinical significance
Considering syrups with high cariogenic and erosive potential should always follow with proper oral hygiene practices or search for an alternative drugs void of such detrimental effects.
How to cite this article
Nankar M, Walimbe H, Bijle MNA, Kontham U, Kamath A, Muchandi S. Comparative Evaluation of Cariogenic and Erosive Potential of Commonly Prescribed Pediatric Liquid Medicaments: An in vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(1):20-25.
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