Association between the Facial Type and Morphology of the Upper Central Incisor in Normal Occlusion Subjects
Luiz Renato Paranhos, Miller Zaroni, João Paulo de Carli, Roberta Okamoto, Lucas Villaça Zogheib, Fernando César Torres
Citation Information :
Paranhos LR, Zaroni M, de Carli JP, Okamoto R, Zogheib LV, Torres FC. Association between the Facial Type and Morphology of the Upper Central Incisor in Normal Occlusion Subjects. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (1):29-33.
The purpose of this study was to verify the association between the facial type and the morphology of the upper central incisor, to potentially provide a guide for artificial tooth selection in esthetic and prosthetic rehabilitation.
Materials and methods
The sample consisted of 51 lateral teleradiographs (lateral cephalometric radiographs) and cast models of subjects with a naturally optimal occlusion and at least four of the six keys of Andrews, for optimal occlusion. The facial type was defined by two cephalometric measurements (SN.Gn and SN.GoGn) and classified into dolichofacial, mesofacial and brachyfacial after digitizing the radiographs. The incisor morphology was classified into quadrangular, oval and triangular after 3D digitizing the models and evaluation of the images by 12 dentists. The evaluation between the examiners was performed by Kappa test. In order to test the differences between the variables, it was used a chi-square test (5%).
No significant difference (p < 0.05) was found between the studied variables.
Facial type was not associated with the morphology of the upper central incisor, considering the methodology and population included in the present study.
Clinical significance
Using the facial type as a way to select the morphology of the upper central incisor proved to be inadequate in this study.
How to cite this article
Paranhos LR, Zaroni M, de Carli JP, Okamoto R, Zogheib LV, Torres FC. Association between the Facial Type and Morphology of the Upper Central Incisor in Normal Occlusion Subjects. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15(1):29-33.
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