Conservative Treatment of Intraosseous Hemangiomas in the Mandible: Case Report with a 17-Year Follow-up Period
Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, Fausto Frizzera, Ivette Beccalli, Rosa Maria Lourenço Carlos Maia, Liliane Scheidegger da Silva Zanetti, Liliana Pimenta Aparecida de Barros
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, Frizzera F, Beccalli I, Maia RM, da Silva Zanetti LS, de Barros LP. Conservative Treatment of Intraosseous Hemangiomas in the Mandible: Case Report with a 17-Year Follow-up Period. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (3):376-380.
Frizzera F, Beccalli I, Maia RMLC, Tonetto MR, da Silva Zanetti LS, de Barros LPA. Conservative Treatment of Intraosseous Hemangiomas in the Mandible: Case Report with a 17-Year Follow-up Period. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(3):376-380.
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