Evaluate the position of mental foramen by measuring the vertical bone height from digital panoramic radiograph and also the variation of resorption pattern by gender and extraction time frame.
Materials and methods/study design
Digital panoramic radiographs of 500 patients were reviewed. The study population was divided into four age groups aged 30 to 70 years as (30-39, 40-49, 50-59 and 60-70 years of age).
Radiographic Position of mental foramen was evaluated in each panoramic radiograph by measuring the distance from the marginal bone to the mental foramen was being measured.
Measurements were taken in each radiograph using Cliniview software. The data collected was subjected to statistical analysis using paired students t-test and chi-square tests.
Results and conclusion
In our study it was noted that the vertical measurements calculated from the superior margin of mental foramen to the crest of alveolar ridge were greater in edentulous men than in women. This measurement decreased significantly with age. We have noted here that resorption pattern between males and females can be used as an early diagnostic tool and for implant analysis. Studies comparing right and left side edentulous mandibular region are needed for further confirmation.
How to cite this article
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