Tobacco usage in different forms is the single most common etiological factor responsible for oral cancers. The aim of the present study was to record various mucosal lesions associated with tobacco usage and to ascertain the prevalence of dysplasia in them by histopathological evaluation and to compare the extent of dysplastic features seen among patients associated with a habit of smoked and smokeless form of tobacco.
Materials and methods
Seventy-six patients with the clinical diagnosis of tobacco related lesions (Leukoplakia, Erythroplakia, Nicotina stomatitis, Tobacco pouch keratosis) were selected. A detailed description of the clinical presentation of the lesion was noted and the patients were subjected to incisional biopsy followed by a histopathological evaluation.
Showed dysplastic changes in 50 cases (65.8%) ranging from mild dysplasia in 27 cases (35.5%), moderate dysplasia in 17 cases (22.4%) and 6 cases (7.9%) showed severe dysplasia. Moderate to severe dysplasia was 1.83 times more likely to occur with smokeless tobacco usage when compared to smoked form. Data obtained from this study reveals that patients with a duration of tobacco usage more than 10 years were 2.17 times more likely to have moderate to severe dysplasia (p = 0.154).
Thus, the study highlights the role of oral physicians in detecting oral mucosal lesions and screening high-risk patients on a regular basis and also reaffirms the importance of public education, stressing the risk factors for oral cancers.
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