Citation Information :
Hunsigi P, Kaipa BR, Reddy R, Kumar CB, Prasanna M. Radiographic Localization of Mental Foramen in Northeast and South Indian Ethnic Groups of Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014; 15 (6):766-769.
The position of mental foramen varies in different ethnic groups. The position of mental foramen is mainly important for achieving effective mental nerve block to carry out dental surgical procedures in mandible. Deviation in its position can be a cause of complication during local anesthesia or surgical procedures. The position of the mental foramen in South Indian and Northeast Indian population has not been reported.
The purpose of the current study was to determine the most common location of the mental foramen (MF) and its bilateral symmetry in selected Indian population.
Materials and methods
380 digital panoramic radiographs (DPR) of a randomly selected 2 Ethnic groups of Indian population were studied.
The common position (59.2%) of the mental foramen was located between the 1st and 2nd premolars (P3) in Northeast Indians and in South Indians the common location (62.8%) was in line with the long axis of the 2nd premolar (P4), which was statistically significant in both Populations.
A bilateral symmetry was observed in the location of mental foramina, either mesial to or in line with the long axis of the 2nd premolar, which is consistent with the observations of similar studies in various ethnic or racial groups. In our study a statistically significant association between the 2 ethnic groups and the position of mental foramen exists. Therefore the position of mental foramen may be specific to racial groups facilitating accurate landmark for mental nerve block depending on the ethnic group. Further, studies are required with larger sample for better understanding of mental foramen location in different ethnic groups.
How to cite this article
Kumar V, Hunsigi P, Kaipa BR, Reddy R, Ealla KKR, Kumar CBA, Prasanna MD. Radiographic Localization of Mental Foramen in Northeast and South Indian Ethnic Groups of Indian Population. J Contemp Dent Pract 2014;15(6):766-769.
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