Evaluating the Cariogenic Potential of Flavored Milk: An Experimental Study using Rat Model
Asma Al-Jobair, Rita Khounganian
Citation Information :
Al-Jobair A, Khounganian R. Evaluating the Cariogenic Potential of Flavored Milk: An Experimental Study using Rat Model. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (1):42-47.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate and to compare the cariogenic potential of different commonly consumed flavored milk on caries development in rat's molar teeth.
Materials and methods
Sixty Sprague-Dawley rats infected with an active growing culture of Streptococcus mutans were offered chocolate flavored milk, strawberry flavored milk, banana flavored milk, plain milk, sweetened plain milk with 5% sucrose, and 10% sucrose ad libitum.
Rats consuming flavored milk developed significantly lower sulcal and smooth surface caries scores than rats consuming 10% sucrose. However, rats consuming plain milk developed significantly lower sulcal and smooth surface caries scores than animals consuming flavored or sweetened plain milk except for chocolate flavored milk.
It was concluded that flavored milk containing 5% sucrose showed a moderate cariogenic potential.
Clinical significance
Although the overall results suggest that the cariogenic potential of flavored milk is moderate and despite their nutritional value, occasional consumption of flavored milk as a beverage might be accepted with caution. Parents, dental practitioners and other healthcare professionals should be aware of the cariogenicity of flavored milk. They should keenly encourage the use of plain milk and discourage the use of any cariogenic drink which has a deleterious effect on teeth.
How to cite this article
Al-Jobair A, Khounganian R. Evaluating the Cariogenic Potential of Flavored Milk: An Experimental Study using Rat Model. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(1):42-47.
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