Endodontic Management of C-shaped Root Canal System of Mandibular First Molar by using a modified Technique of Self-adjusting File System
Dilek Helvacioglu-Yigit
Citation Information :
Helvacioglu-Yigit D. Endodontic Management of C-shaped Root Canal System of Mandibular First Molar by using a modified Technique of Self-adjusting File System. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (1):77-80.
C-shaped canal system is a seldom-found root canal anatomy which displays a challenge in all stages of endodontic treatment. According to the literature, this type of canal morphology is not a common finding in the mandibular first molar teeth.
This case report presents endodontic management of a mandibular first molar with a C-shaped canal system.
Case report
Root canal system was cleaned and shaped by nickel-titanium (NiTi) rotary instruments combined with selfadjusting file (SAF). Obturation was performed using warm, vertical condensation combined with the injection of warm gutta-percha. Follow-up examination 12 months later showed that the tooth was asymptomatic. The radiological findings presented no signs of periapical pathology.
Clinical significance
The clinician must be aware of the occurence and complexity of C-shaped canals in mandibular first molar teeth to perform a successful root canal treatment. The supplementary use of SAF after application of rotary instruments in C-shaped root canals might be a promising approach in endodontic treatment of this type of canal morphology.
How to cite this article
Helvacioglu-Yigit D. Endodontic Management of C-shaped Root Canal System of Mandibular First Molar by using a modified Technique of Self-adjusting File System. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(1):77-80.
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