Biocorrosion of Endodontic Files through the Action of Two Species of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria: Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis
Fabiano Luiz Heggendorn, Lucio Souza Gonçalves, Eliane Pedra Dias, Viviane de Oliveira Freitas Lione, Márcia Teresa Soares Lutterbach
Citation Information :
Heggendorn FL, Gonçalves LS, Dias EP, Lione VD, Lutterbach MT. Biocorrosion of Endodontic Files through the Action of Two Species of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria: Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (8):665-673.
This study assessed the biocorrosive capacity of two bacteria: Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis on endodontic files, as a preliminary step in the development of a biopharmaceutical, to facilitate the removal of endodontic file fragments from root canals.
Materials and methods
In the first stage, the corrosive potential of the artificial saliva medium (ASM), modified Postgate E medium (MPEM), 2.5 % sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) solution and white medium (WM), without the inoculation of bacteria was assessed by immersion assays. In the second stage, test samples were inoculated with the two species of sulphur-reducing bacteria (SRB) on ASM and modified artificial saliva medium (MASM). In the third stage, test samples were inoculated with the same species on MPEM, ASM and MASM. All test samples were viewed under an infinite focus Alicona microscope.
No test sample became corroded when immersed only in media, without bacteria. With the exception of one test sample between those inoculated with bacteria in ASM and MASM, there was no evidence of corrosion. Fifty percent of the test samples demonstrated a greater intensity of biocorrosion when compared with the initial assays.
Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and D. fairfieldensis are capable of promoting biocorrosion of the steel constituent of endodontic files.
Clinical significance
This study describes the initial development of a biopharmaceutical to facilitate the removal of endodontic file fragments from root canals, which can be successfully implicated in endodontic therapy in order to avoiding parendodontic surgery or even tooth loss in such events.
How to cite this article
Heggendorn FL, Gonçalves LS, Dias EP, de Oliveira Freitas Lione V, Lutterbach MTS. Biocorrosion of Endodontic Files through the Action of Two Species of Sulfatereducing Bacteria: Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Desulfovibrio fairfieldensis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(8):665-673.
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