Effectiveness of Oral Antiseptics on Tooth Biofilm: A Study in vivo
Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, Matheus Coelho Bandéca, Etevaldo Matos Maia Filho, José Carlos Elias Mouchrek Junior, Lívia Helena de Araújo Castro Nunes, Cleidiane Silveira Arruda, Claudia de Castro Rizzi, Adriana Quinzeiro e Silva Mouchrek, Rudys Rodolfo De Jesus Tavarez
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, Bandéca MC, Filho EM, Junior JC, Nunes LH, Arruda CS, de Castro Rizzi C, Mouchrek AQ, Tavarez RR. Effectiveness of Oral Antiseptics on Tooth Biofilm: A Study in vivo. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (8):674-678.
To evaluate the effectiveness of five different mouthwashes through measurement of the plaque index.
Materials and methods
Fifty subjects took part in this blind study, randomized into blocks of five groups according to the active ingredient of the mouthwash: CHX group (0.12% chlorhexidine gluconate), essential oils (EO) group, cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) group, Tri group (triclosan) and Hamamelis virginiana (HV) group. All subjects were evaluated for a reduction in the bacterial plaque index at 7, 14 and 21 days.
There was a significant reduction in the mean plaque index during the period of evaluation (p < 0.01), and the reduction during the period of evaluation was different between mouthwashes (p < 0.01). The reduction in the plaque index at the end of 21 days was, in decreasing order, CHX > EO > CPC > Tri > HV.
The reduction in the plaque index during the period of evaluation was different between the types of mouthwash. The mouthwash containing the active ingredient chlorhexidine was the most effective, followed by the essential oil, cetylpyridinium chloride, triclosan and H. virginiana.
How to cite this article
Junior Mouchrek JCE, Nunes LHAC, Arruda CS, Rizzi CC, Mouchrek AQS, Tavarez RRJ, Tonetto MR, Bandeca MC, Maia Filho EM. Effectiveness of Oral Antiseptics on Tooth Biofilm: A Study in vivo. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(8):674-678.
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