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VOLUME 16 , ISSUE 9 ( September, 2015 ) > List of Articles


An Analysis of the Stress Induced in the Periodontal Ligament during Extrusion and Rotation Movements: A Finite Element Method Linear Study Part I

HP Raghuveer, M Hemanth, MS Rani, Chathura Hegde, B Vedavathi, D Chaithra

Citation Information : Raghuveer H, Hemanth M, Rani M, Hegde C, Vedavathi B, Chaithra D. An Analysis of the Stress Induced in the Periodontal Ligament during Extrusion and Rotation Movements: A Finite Element Method Linear Study Part I. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015; 16 (9):740-743.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1750

Published Online: 01-02-2016

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2015; The Author(s).



Orthodontic tooth movement occurs due to various biomechanical changes in the periodontium. Forces within the optimal range yield maximum tooth movement with minimum deleterious effects. Among various types of tooth movements, extrusion and rotational movements are seen to be associated with the least amount of root resorption and have not been studied in detail. Therefore in this study, the stress patterns in the periodontal ligament (PDL) were evaluated with extrusion and rotational movements using the finite element method FEM.

Materials and methods

A three-dimensional (3D) FEM model of the maxillary incisors was generated using SOLIDWORKS modeling software. Stresses in the PDL were evaluated with extrusive and rotational movements by a 3D FEM using ANSYS software with linear material properties.


It was observed that with the application of extrusive load, the tensile stresses were seen at the apex, whereas the compressive stress was distributed at the cervical margin. With the application of rotational movements, maximum compressive stress was distributed at the apex and cervical third, whereas the tensile stress was distributed on cervical third of the PDL on the lingual surface.


For extrusive movements, stress values over the periodontal ligament was within the range of optimal stress value as proposed by Lee, with a given force system by Profitt as optimum forces for orthodontic tooth movement using linear properties. During rotation there are stresses concentrated at the apex, hence due to the concentration of the compressive forces at the apex a clinician must avoid placing heavy stresses during tooth movement.

How to cite this article

Hemanth M, Raghuveer HP, Rani MS, Hegde C, Kabbur KJ, Vedavathi B, Chaithra D. An Analysis of the Stress Induced in the Periodontal Ligament during Extrusion and Rotation Movements: A Finite Element Method Linear Study Part I. J Contemp Dent Pract 2015;16(9):740-743.

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