Shaping Ability of ProTaper Next, WaveOne, and Reciproc in Simulated Root Canals
Mateus R Tonetto, EM Maia Filho, RM dos Reis Santos, Darlon M Lima, SM da Silva Pereira, Janir A Soares, RR de Jesus Tavarez, Meire C Ferreira, Ceci N Carvalho, C de Castro Rizzi
Citation Information :
Tonetto MR, Filho EM, Santos RD, Lima DM, da Silva Pereira S, Soares JA, de Jesus Tavarez R, Ferreira MC, Carvalho CN, de Castro Rizzi C. Shaping Ability of ProTaper Next, WaveOne, and Reciproc in Simulated Root Canals. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (11):902-906.
The study aimed to compare the shaping and preservation of the original curvature of simulated curved root canals using the following instruments: Reciproc (Rcp), WaveOne (Wo), and the ProTaper Next system (Ptn).
Materials and methods
A total of 45 resin blocks with simulated curved root canals were divided into three groups (n = 15), prepared using the Rcp (R25), Wo (25/0.8), and Ptn (X2) instruments. Standardized photographs were taken before and after canal instrumentation. After the superimposition of the images, the amount of resin removed from the curvature's inner and outer walls was measured at six apical levels, at intervals of 1 mm. The canals’ angles of curvature before and after instrumentation were subtracted.
There were no significant differences between the instruments in terms of the total amount of resin removed of the inner or outer walls of the apical curvature (p > 0.05). The Rcp instruments provided the best resin removed ratios between the walls. The means of the change in angle were as follows: Wo = 2.15°, Ptn = 0.92°, and Rcp = 0.21°. WaveOne caused significantly higher deviations than Rcp.
All of the instruments demonstrated a tendency to straighten the simulated root canal. Instruments that use rotary movement achieved an effect similar to that of the reciprocating instruments in relation to change in angle.
Clinical significance
Deviations from the original shape of the root canal could have a negative impact on the quality of a filling and consequently on the success of the endodontic treatment.
How to cite this article
Maia Filho EM, dos Reis Santos RM, Lima DM, da Silva Pereira SM, Soares JA, de Jesus Tavarez RR, Ferreira MC, Carvalho CN, Bandeca MC, Tonetto MR, Borges AH, de Castro Rizzi C. Shaping Ability of ProTaper Next, WaveOne, and Reciproc in Simulated Root Canals. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(11):902-906.
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