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VOLUME 17 , ISSUE 11 ( November, 2016 ) > List of Articles


A Case–control Study for the Assessment of Correlation of Denture-related Sores and Oral Cancer Risk

Javed Khan, B Vikas Prasad, Gauri S Kakatkar, Maulik Patel, Preet Jain

Citation Information : Khan J, Prasad BV, Kakatkar GS, Patel M, Jain P. A Case–control Study for the Assessment of Correlation of Denture-related Sores and Oral Cancer Risk. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (11):930-933.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1956

Published Online: 01-03-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).



Oral cancer is one of the most common cancers in the world. Although multifactorial, the exact pathogenesis of oral cancer is still unclear. Apart from tobacco chewing and smoking, chronic long-term irritation by ill-fitting denture is also said to be an important risk factor for the development of oral cancer. Literature quotes some amount of evidence that correlates long-term denture irritation as a risk factor for the development of oral cancer. Hence, we analyzed the correlation of denturerelated sores as a risk factor for the development of oral cancer.

Materials and methods

The present case–control study included 140 newly diagnosed oral cancer cases and 140 patients as the control healthy group. One-hour questionnaire was framed and was conducted to the control group and the study group by 10 experienced interviewers who were trained for such type of analysis. Assessment of the patients’ socioeconomic status, cigarette smoking habit, alcohol drinking habit, and oral health status was done and compared on the two study groups. Logistic regression models along with multivariate models were used for the assessment of the results.


In the control group and the cancer patient group, total of 140 new cancer cases and 140 subjects were included. Out of 140 patients in the cancer group, 16 were nonsmokers, while 110 smoked cigarette in the cancer patient group. As far as alcohol consumption is concerned, 42 patients in the control group and 102 patients in the oral cancer group were chronic heavy drinkers. Fried food intake was high in both the groups. Significant correlation was obtained while comparing the heavy smokers, heavy alcohol consumers, and oral health status in both the study groups.


Our results favor the hypothesis that positive correlation exists between oral cancer risk and recurrent denture sores.

Clinical significance

People wearing denture prosthesis should be periodically visualized for identification of any mucosal alteration or changes at the earliest.

How to cite this article

Jain P, Jain M, Prasad BV, Kakatkar GS, Patel M, Khan J. A Case–control Study for the Assessment of Correlation of Denture-related Sores and Oral Cancer Risk. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(11):930-933.

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