Can Time of Implant Placement influence Bone Remodeling?
Caroline Freitas Rafael, Bernardo Passoni, Carlos Araújo, Maria A de Araújo, César Benfatti, Claudia Volpato
Citation Information :
Rafael CF, Passoni B, Araújo C, de Araújo MA, Benfatti C, Volpato C. Can Time of Implant Placement influence Bone Remodeling?. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (4):270-274.
Rafael CF, Passoni B, Araújo C, de Araújo MA, Benfatti C, Volpato C. Can Time of Implant Placement influence Bone Remodeling? J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(4):270-274.
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