Prophylactic and Therapeutic Antibiotic Patterns of Lebanese Dentists for the Management of Dentoalveolar Abscesses
Ghada Asmar, Dominique Cochelard, Jacques Mokhbat, Mohamed Lemdani, Ahmed Haddadi
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Asmar G, Cochelard D, Mokhbat J, Lemdani M, Haddadi A. Prophylactic and Therapeutic Antibiotic Patterns of Lebanese Dentists for the Management of Dentoalveolar Abscesses. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016; 17 (6):425-433.
General dentists issue approximately 10% of antibiotic prescriptions across the global medical community consummation. The use of antibiotics for the management of dentoalveolar infections should be considered only in the presence of an increased risk of a systemic involvement or to prevent metastatic infections. This study aimed to investigate the prophylactic and therapeutic antibiotic prescription patterns of Lebanese dentists for the management of dentoalveolar abscesses. The aim was to evaluate the influence of the patients’ medical condition and clinical signs data on the patterns of antibiotics prescription.
Materials and methods
Only patients with a dentoalveolar abscess were included in the study. Age, medical history, reason for consultation, clinical signs and symptoms, diagnosis, type of local treatment, and type of antibiotherapy were collected for each patient attending dental clinics in Beirut. The data were analyzed with chi-square test and multivariate regression.
Out of the 563 initial patients, 127 were selected for the study and received a local treatment. The patient's medical condition and age did not affect the decision to prescribe antibiotics 36.2% patients with pain and 11.8% patients with swelling were prescribed antibiotics. Pain and swelling contributed to a higher level of antibiotic prescription compared to other signs and symptoms. Antibiotics were prescribed inappropriately to 51.76 and 38.10% among patients with an acute or chronic dentoalveolar abscess respectively. The main prescribed antibiotic was amoxicillin.
This study showed that dentists often did not follow the current prophylactic and therapeutic antibiotic prescription guidelines.
Clinical significance
Antibiotics prescriptions in dentistry will be more pertinent, leading to a decrease in inadequacy of prescriptions, microbial resistance, and the development of multiresistant germs against antibiotics.
How to cite this article
Asmar G, Cochelard D, Mokhbat J, Lemdani M, Haddadi A, Ayoub F. Prophylactic and Therapeutic Antibiotic Patterns of Lebanese Dentists for the Management of Dentoalveolar Abscesses. J Contemp Dent Pract 2016;17(6):425-433.
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