VOLUME 18 , ISSUE 1 ( January, 2017 ) > List of Articles
Sanjay Byakodi, Vivek Gurjar, Sushant Soni
Citation Information : Byakodi S, Gurjar V, Soni S. Glucose Levels and Hemodynamic Changes in Patients submitted to Routine Dental Extraction under Local Anesthesia with and without Adrenaline. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (1):57-59.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-1989
Published Online: 01-06-2017
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2017; The Author(s).
In maxillofacial surgery, the simplest procedure that we perform is dental extraction. However, this simple procedure is challenged by the patient's poor medical condition. We generally use local anesthesia in combination with adrenaline; however, as we come across patients with diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases who seek dental extraction, we need to be doubly cautious while using adrenaline. In this study, we intend to compare the effects of local anesthesia with adrenaline and local anesthesia without adrenaline on hemodynamic changes (blood pressure and pulse rate) and random blood sugar levels. The comparison is both within the group and between the two groups. Healthy patients between the ages 20 and 60 years were included and randomized into two groups of 50 each. In one group, plain local anesthesia was used, whereas in the other group, local anesthetic solution containing adrenaline was used. Medically compromised patients were excluded from the study. Random blood sugar levels, blood pressures, and pulse rates were recorded in both groups before and 10 minutes after injecting the solutions. The findings were compared. When results are compared within the group, a modest increase in the blood sugar level was noted with the group receiving local anesthetic with adrenaline. However, blood pressure and pulse rate showed no significant difference. Similarly, when between-the-groups comparison was done, not a single variable showed any significant difference. The patients injected with local anesthesia containing adrenaline showed similar results to that observed in the patients injected with local anesthesia without adrenaline. However, there is a statistically significant rise in blood sugar levels when a local anesthetic is injected with adrenaline. Dental extractions in healthy individuals can be safely performed with local anesthetic containing adrenaline. However, in diabetic patients, it should be cautiously used. Byakodi S, Gurjar V, Soni S. Glucose Levels and Hemodynamic Changes in Patients submitted to Routine Dental Extraction under Local Anesthesia with and without Adrenaline. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(1):57-59.