Citation Information :
Gaikwad R, Bhowate R, Bajad P, Gondivkar S. Potential Predictor of Tobacco Cessation among Factory Workers: A Baseline Data of Worksite Tobacco Cessation Programs in the Central Part of India. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (11):1071-1077.
Our study aimed to evaluate the prevalence of tobacco use among factory workers and identify the predicting factors for quitting tobacco use.
Materials and methods
In this cross-sectional study, a total of 640 factory workers were included and divided into the quitter group and who had never quit the tobacco habit in the past. Data were collected by standardized and validated questionnaire pro forma, which comprised the demographic profile, smoking history, and Fagerström scale to check the nicotine dependence. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and Chi-squares test, whereas logistic regression was used to predict the factor for quitting the tobacco habit. All tests were applied using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 17.0.
The mean age among the quitters was comparatively low than the never-quit group. Out of 640 participants, the majority of quitters and those who never quit were found to consume smokeless tobacco (232 [93.5]; 288 [73.5]). As per logistic regression analysis, gender of participants, age of starting tobacco use, and frequency of tobacco use can be considered as good predictors to quit smoking/chewing tobacco.
The present study found that participants in the quitter group were less dependent on tobacco, and these participants were more likely to quit smoking if behavioral support was provided at the early days of the quitting attempt.
Clinical significance
This study's result provides valuable insight into the current tobacco usage and potential predicting factors for quitting tobacco use among factory workers in India. These data can help in developing a policy for the implementation of tobacco cessation programs at the worksite.
How to cite this article
Gaikwad R, Bhowate R, Bajad P, Gadbail AR, Gondivkar S, Sarode SC, Sarode GS, Patil S. Potential Predictor of Tobacco Cessation among Factory Workers: A Baseline Data of Worksite Tobacco Cessation Programs in the Central Part of India. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(11):1071-1077.
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