Subjective Differences between Dentists and Patients about Relative Quality of Metal Ceramic Restorations placed in the Esthetic Zone
Khurshid A Mattoo, Faisal M Alkhayrat, Hussam A Madkhali, Ibrahim H Geathy, Mohammed AW Qahhar, Ahmed Yaqoub
Citation Information :
Mattoo KA, Alkhayrat FM, Madkhali HA, Geathy IH, Qahhar MA, Yaqoub A. Subjective Differences between Dentists and Patients about Relative Quality of Metal Ceramic Restorations placed in the Esthetic Zone. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (2):112-116.
Esthetic perceptions could differ between the dentist and his patients among various regions and cultures.
The aims of this study were to evaluate the subjective differences between the dentist and the patient in terms of esthetics of metal-ceramic crowns (MCcs). The study also aims to compare the mesiodistal (MD) and buccolingual (BL) dimensions of the cemented crown with its respective natural antimeric tooth.
Materials and methods
A total of 85 patients seeking treatment for a single crown (MC) were treated by the undergraduate students under supervision of respective academic staff. After cementation of the crowns, a 9-point questionnaire was given to patient and different dentists. A treatment cast for every single crown was poured. Then, the MD and BL dimensions of the crowns were compared against their respective antimeric tooth.
The dentists and the patients agreed in the range of 50.5 to 90.5%. Least subjective differences were found for the length and width of the cemented crowns. The highest differences were noted for symmetry between the cemented crown and its antimeric natural tooth. A total of 31 to 38% of the patients differed from the dentist's evaluation for shade of the crown, color of the crown at the margin, contour of the crown, and the relationship of the crowns with the surrounding gingiva. The highest MD and BL dimensions were in the cemented crown of canines, while the lowest MD and BL diameters were for the cemented crowns of the lateral incisor crowns.
Dentist and patient mostly agreed in terms of length (90%), width (81%) and relation of crown with free gingiva (74%). However, they differed mostly on the symmetry of the cemented crowns. The highest MD dimensions and BL diameter were in the cemented MCcs of canine, while the lowest were with lateral incisors.
Clinical significance
While fabricating a dental prosthesis, the dentist must know about patients’ perception of esthetics; otherwise both clinical and laboratory efforts would not be enough to satisfy the esthetic needs of the patient even if the restoration is technically correct. Perceptions related to symmetry differ mostly between dentist and patient.
How to cite the article
Al Moaleem MM, Alkhayrat FM, Madkhali HA, Geathy IH, Qahhar MAW, Yaqoub A, Mattoo KA. Subjective Differences between Dentists and Patients about Relative Quality of Metal Ceramic Restorations placed in the Esthetic Zone. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(2):112-116.
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