Treatment of Extrusive Luxation in Permanent Teeth: Literature Review with Systematic Criteria
Roberta Okamoto, Lorraine P de Faria, Marina F Amaral, Melyna M de Almeida, Daniela A Brandini, Wilson R Poi
Citation Information :
Okamoto R, de Faria LP, Amaral MF, de Almeida MM, Brandini DA, Poi WR. Treatment of Extrusive Luxation in Permanent Teeth: Literature Review with Systematic Criteria. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (3):241-245.
Extrusive luxation is a traumatic dental injury caused by the action of oblique forces, characterized by partial displacement of the tooth out of its socket. The ideal treatment for this type of trauma involves repositioning the tooth in its socket. However, in cases where the tooth cannot be repositioned, different options may be considered, such as intentional reattachment and orthodontic intrusion. The aim is to review the literature on the extrusive luxation of permanent teeth while assessing the risks of complications for two methods of delayed treatment for extrusive luxation.
Materials and methods
An electronic search from August 2005 to August 2014 was performed by two reviewers independently, and conflicts were resolved by a third reviewer. The databases used were PubMed and Scopus; the reviewers performed a manual search of the following journals: Dental Traumatology, American Journal of Orthodontics, and Clinical Oral Investigation.
After removing the duplicate studies, 328 articles were found. Out of these, 321 were rejected as not addressing the proposed research topic. In addition, five articles were excluded because apical repositioning was used for treatment. Therefore, four articles formed the basis of the study.
Factors, such as root formation, the degree of tooth mobility, and the presence of tooth vitality were decisive for the choice of treatment. However, both treatments were effective and showed favorable results, i.e., without periodontal and root damage.
Clinical Significance
Knowledge of the risks of complications among two methods of delayed treatment for extrusive luxation, as well as other important factors to take into consideration when choosing a treatment assists dentists in improving the prognostic.
How to cite this article
Amaral MF, de Almeida MM, de Faria LP, Brandini DA, Poi WR, Okamoto R. Treatment of Extrusive Luxation in Permanent Teeth: Literature Review with Systematic Criteria. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(3):241-245.
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