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VOLUME 18 , ISSUE 6 ( June, 2017 ) > List of Articles


Comparison of Platform Switched and Sloping Shoulder Implants on Stress Reduction in various Bone Densities: Finite Element Analysis

S Suresh, Joji Markose, Shruthi Eshwar, K Rekha, Vipin Jain

Citation Information : Suresh S, Markose J, Eshwar S, Rekha K, Jain V. Comparison of Platform Switched and Sloping Shoulder Implants on Stress Reduction in various Bone Densities: Finite Element Analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (6):510-515.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2075

Published Online: 01-10-2017

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2017; The Author(s).



Comparison of platform switched (PS), sloping shoulder, and regular implants on stress reduction in various bone densities with finite element analysis.

Materials and methods

A total of 12 three-dimensional finite element models were built to analyze the stress distribution model. Nobel Biocare 4.3 × 8 mm regular platform replace select implant with matching diameter easy abutment, Nobel Biocare 4.3 × 8 mm replace select implant PS with 3.5 mm diameter easy abutment, Bicon 4 × 8 mm implant with 4 mm diameter sloping shoulder abutments were created virtually in compact bone density using software. The 130 N axial force and a 90 N oblique loading force were applied to the abutment to analyze the stress.


Under horizontal and vertical loading, the sloping shoulder implant had lesser stresses in cancellous bone when compared with PS and regular implants. Sloping shoulder implant showed more stress distribution at implant–abutment interface and at crestal area, whereas with regular implants, the stresses were distributed at cortical area.


Sloping shoulder implant in subcrestal position is much favorable for bone growth, stress distribution, and preservation of remaining bone.

Clinical significance

Use of sloping shoulder implant design distributes the stress apically and creates lesser stresses when compared with PS implants.

How to cite this article

Markose J, Suresh S, Eshwar S, Rekha K, Jain V, Manvi S. Comparison of Platform Switched and Sloping Shoulder Implants on Stress Reduction in various Bone Densities: Finite Element Analysis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(6):510-515.

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