Evaluation of the Current Techniques and Introduction of a Novel Approach for Estimating Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions
Mohammed E Sayed, Nida A Al-Faraj, Amal M Bajonaid, Hassan A Sumayli
Citation Information :
Sayed ME, Al-Faraj NA, Bajonaid AM, Sumayli HA. Evaluation of the Current Techniques and Introduction of a Novel Approach for Estimating Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017; 18 (7):541-548.
Several techniques and methods have been proposed to estimate the anterior teeth dimensions in edentulous patients. However, this procedure remains challenging especially when preextraction records are not available. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to evaluate some of the existing extraoral and intraoral methods for estimation of anterior tooth dimensions and to propose a novel method for estimation of central incisor width (CIW) and length (CIL) for Saudi population.
Materials and methods
Extraoral and intraoral measurements were recorded for a total of 236 subjects. Descriptive statistical analysis and Pearson's correlation tests were performed. Association was evaluated between combined anterior teeth width (CATW) and interalar width (IAW), intercommisural width (ICoW) and interhamular notch distance (IHND) plus 10 mm. Evaluation of the linear relationship between central incisor length (CIL) with facial height (FH) and CIW with bizygomatic width (BZW) was also performed.
Significant correlation was found between the CATW and ICoW and IAW (p-values <0.0001); however, no correlation was found relative to IHND plus 10 mm (p-value = 0.456). Further, no correlation was found between the FH and right CIL and BZW and right CIW (p-values = 0.255 and 0.822). The means of CIL, CIW, incisive papillae-fovea palatinae (IP-FP), and IHND were used to estimate the central incisor dimensions: CIL = FP-IP distance/4.45, CIW = IHND/4.49.
It was concluded that the ICoW and IAW measurements are the only predictable methods to estimate the initial reference value for CATW. A proposed intraoral approach was hypothesized for estimation of CIW and CIL for the given population.
Clinical significance
Based on the results of the study, ICoW and IAW measurements can be useful in estimating the initial reference value for CATW, while the proposed novel approach using specific palatal dimensions can be used for estimating the width and length of central incisors. These methods are crucial to obtain esthetic treatment results within the parameters of the given population.
How to cite this article
Sayed ME, Porwal A, Al-Faraj NA, Bajonaid AM, Sumayli HA. Evaluation of the Current Techniques and Introduction of a Novel Approach for Estimating Maxillary Anterior Teeth Dimensions. J Contemp Dent Pract 2017;18(7):541-548.
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