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Chemin K, Rezende M, Milan FM, Dantas TB, Gomes KD, Kossatz S. Clinical Evaluation of 10% Hydrogen Peroxide on Tooth Sensitivity and Effectiveness in at Home Dental Bleaching. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (11):1376-1380.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the dental effect and sensitivity of at-home dental bleaching with 10% hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).
Materials and methods: Twenty volunteers with A2 or darker central incisors were selected for this study. Was used 10% H2O2 for thirty minutes twice a day, for two weeks. Shade evaluation was assessed visually by the value-oriented shade guide Vita Classical shade guide, Vita Bleachedguide 3D-MASTER and by the Easyshade spectrophotometer at baseline, during bleaching (first and second weeks), and post-bleaching (one month). The perceptions of sensitivity were recorded by the patients through the numerical rating scale (0 to 4) and 0 to 10 visual analog scales daily. Data from the shade guide units was subjected to a one way repeated measures (RM) analysis of variance (ANOVA) test (á = 5%). The overall ÄE, absolute risk and intensity of tooth sensitivity were calculated as well as the 95% confidence interval.
Results: The absolute risk of tooth sensitivity was 65% and the intensity was mild. Data from ÄSGU and ÄE after 1 month of bleaching for H2O2 10% showed significant whitening, 4 units for Vita Classical, 5 units for Vita Bleachedguide and 9.7 units for spectrophotometer.
Conclusion: At-home bleaching using 10% hydrogen peroxide is effective in 14 days of bleaching. The most common adverse events were mild tooth sensitivity, and no subjects discontinued use early because of a treatment-related adverse event.
Clinical significance: At-home dental bleaching with 10% hydrogen peroxide gel reduces the time of use of the tray, maintaining the effectiveness with low intensity of dental sensitivity. Brazilian clinical trials registry (REBEC) RBR-45xmzj.
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