Effect of Bleaching Mouthwash on Force Decay of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains
Mohammad Behnaz, Fatemeh Namvar, Setareh Sohrabi, Mina Parishanian
Citation Information :
Behnaz M, Namvar F, Sohrabi S, Parishanian M. Effect of Bleaching Mouthwash on Force Decay of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (2):221-225.
Force decay elastomeric chains are significant, and it is a clinical problem.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of bleaching agent in the mouthwash on the force decay of orthodontic chains.
Materials and methods
In this experimental study, 160 gray closed elastomeric chains were randomly divided into three groups (one control and two test groups). Four loops of chains were stretched for 25 mm on custom-made jig. Control group specimens were immersed in artificial saliva during the test period. Test group specimens were immersed twice a day for 30 seconds in the whitening (LISTERINE® HEALTHY WHITE™) and daily sodium fluoride (LISTERINE® TOTAL CARE ZERO) mouthwashes. All specimens were immersed in artificial saliva at 37°C. Force was measured at different time points (initial, 1, 7, 14, 21, 28 days). Statistical analysis was performed by two-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Bonferroni methods (α = 0.05).
Force of elastomeric chains was decreased dramatically in all groups during the experiment. After 24 hours, force was decreased by 42.18, 48.34, and 53.38% in control group, daily, and bleaching mouthwash groups respectively. The corresponding numbers after 4 weeks were 66.30, 76.73, and 86.48. The difference between three groups at days 1 and 28 was statistically significant (p < 0.05).
Within the limitations of the current in vitro study, bleaching and sodium fluoride mouthwashes could cause force decay of orthodontic elastomeric chains. Whitening mouthwash is more weakening for elastomeric chains.
Clinical significance
Use of whitening mouthwash by orthodontic patients could decrease the force of elastomeric chains, so it could be recommended to use them for a short time.
How to cite this article
Behnaz M, Namvar F, Sohrabi S, Parishanian M. Effect of Bleaching Mouthwash on Force Decay of Orthodontic Elastomeric Chains. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018;19(2):221-225.
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