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VOLUME 19 , ISSUE 4 ( 2018 ) > List of Articles


Comparison of Stability of the Results of Orthodontic Treatment and Gingival Health between Hawley and Vacuum-formed Retainers

Aydin Sohrabi, Seyed H Moslemzadeh, Ali Rafighi, Somaieh Farshidnia

Keywords : American Board of Orthodontics model grading system, American Board of Orthodontics objective frading system, Gingival index, Hawley retainers, Vacuum-formed retainers

Citation Information : Sohrabi A, Moslemzadeh SH, Rafighi A, Farshidnia S. Comparison of Stability of the Results of Orthodontic Treatment and Gingival Health between Hawley and Vacuum-formed Retainers. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (4):443-449.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2281

License: CC BY-NC 3.0

Published Online: 01-04-2018

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2018; The Author(s).


Aim: Retention is one of the stages of orthodontic treatment, which is an attempt to retain teeth in their corrected positions after active treatment with the use of fixed orthodontic appliances. The aim of the present study was to compare the stability of the results of orthodontic treatment and the gingival health between Hawley retainer (HR) and vacuum-formed retainer (VFR) with two different thicknesses. Materials and methods: In this randomized clinical trial, 66 patients undergoing comprehensive orthodontic treatment in a private office were evaluated after completion of treatment. The subjects were randomly assigned to three groups. At the end of orthodontic treatment, the subjects in all the groups received a fixed bonded retainer in the mandible; in the maxilla, group I received an HR, group II received a VFR with a thickness of 1.5 mm, and group III received a VFR with a thickness of 1 mm. The American Board of Orthodontics objective grading system (ABO-OGS) index was used at the end of treatment (before the delivery of the retainers) and 6 months after the use of retainers to evaluate the stability of the results of orthodontic treatment. Gingival index (GI) was used at the two above-mentioned intervals to evaluate gingival health. The ABO-OGS measurements were carried out on dental casts by a clinician who was blinded to the types of retainers the patients wore. Data were analyzed with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20, using proper statistical analyses. Results: Six months after the delivery of retainers, ABO-OGS and GI scores with the 1.5 mm VFR were higher than those in the two other groups, with no significant differences between the three groups. There were no significant differences between the ABO-OGS scores before the delivery of retainers and 6 months after the use of retainers in any of the study groups. In the HR and 1.5 mm VFR groups, there were significant differences in GI scores between the period before the delivery of the retainers and 6 months after their delivery; however, in the 1 mm VFR group, no significant differences were observed in GI scores between the two time intervals. Conclusion: Hawley retainer and 1 mm thick and 1.5 mm thick VFRs were equally effective in preserving and stabilizing the results of orthodontic treatment during the 6-month interval after the completion of orthodontic treatment. In addition, there were no significant differences between the three retainers in relation to gingival health. Clinical significance: The VFR might be a good alternative for HR due to its better esthetic appearance and greater popularity with orthodontic patients.

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