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Jalaluddin M, Goutham G, Joy J, Avijeeta A. Clinical Assessment of Gingival Sulcus Width using Various Gingival Displacement Materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (5):502-506.
Aim: This study aims to compare the clinical efficacy of three different gingival retraction systems on gingival sulcus width.
Materials and methods: Study was conducted on prepared right or left maxillary central incisor for 45 subjects. Totally, 15 patients were randomly allocated in three gingival displacement groups, i.e., group I (retraction cord impregnated with aluminum chloride), group II (magic foam), and group III (laser). The pre- and postdisplacement impressions were made with addition silicone material using two-stage double mix technique.
Results: There was no difference between the groups at baseline. Group III produced more displacement (mean value 0.48 ± 0.101 mm) than group II (mean value 0.31 ± 0.09 mm) and group I (mean value 0.44 ± 0.11 mm), and this was statistically significant.
Conclusion: Laser gingival displacement system was found to be effective among the three retraction systems. Choice of gingival displacement system is based on clinical situation and choice of operator.
Clinical significance: The retraction groups in the study created greater amount of gingival retraction than the least sulcus width required for the elastomeric impression material and so are clinically useful.
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