Sialometric and Sialochemical Changes in Morbidly Obese Patients before and after Bariatric Surgery
Luiz CC Gambus, Aline CBR Johann, Patrícia VC Bettega, Edvaldo AR Rosa, Ivone MI Morimoto, Magda RR da Cruz, Luís S Nassif, Sérgio L Rocha, Sérgio O Ioshii, Andresa VS Vaz, Juliana AL Solyon, Francineo Moraes, Sérgio A Ignácio, Ana MTG Hardy
Keywords :
Bariatric surgery, Body mass index, Morbid obesity, Obesity, Saliva
Citation Information :
Gambus LC, Johann AC, Bettega PV, Rosa EA, Morimoto IM, da Cruz MR, Nassif LS, Rocha SL, Ioshii SO, Vaz AV, Solyon JA, Moraes F, Ignácio SA, Hardy AM. Sialometric and Sialochemical Changes in Morbidly Obese Patients before and after Bariatric Surgery. J Contemp Dent Pract 2018; 19 (7):756-761.
Aim: To evaluate the sialometric and sialochemical changes in morbidly obese patients before and after bariatric surgery.
Materials and methods: A total of 74 participants were divided into three groups paired by sex and age: (a) Experimental 1 (E1)—morbid obesity (n = 40)—according to the Fobi-Capella technique, corresponding to the individuals with a body mass index (BMI) of greater than 40 kg/m2 prior to bariatric surgery; (b) Experimental 2 (E2)—the same individuals after surgery; and (c) control (C) (n = 34)—individuals with a BMI of nearly 23 kg/m2. The measure of salivary flow was carried out by collecting stimulated saliva. The pH was evaluated using the pocket pH meter, while the salivary buffer capacity (SBC) was determined by the titration method. Analyses of the salivary concentration of total proteins (TPs), amylase activity, urea, calcium (Ca++), and glucose were evaluated using the calorimetric method.
Results: Group E1, as compared with group C, presented the highest pH levels (p = 0.03), amylase activity (p = 0.00), and calcium (p = 0.00). The opposite was observed for glucose (p = 0.00), TP (p = 0.04), and urea (p = 0.04). Group E2, as compared with group C, revealed higher levels of amylase (p = 0.00) and calcium (p = 0.00). The opposite was observed for SBC (p = 0.01), PT (p = 0.00), and glucose (p = 0.00). Group E1, as compared with group E2, presented higher values of SBC (p = 0.00) and urea (p = 0.00). The lowest values were found for calcium and urea (p = 0.03).
Conclusion: Both weight gain and bariatric surgery are risk factors for the oral condition, causing change in some important salivary components, such as TP, amylase, calcium, and glucose.
Clinical significance: This article is a valuable addition to the scientific literature, due to its novelty. There are no papers that show salivary alterations related to bariatric surgeries.
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