Aim: The aim of this study was to investigate the acceptance, accessibility, and usage of cone-beam computed tomographic (CBCT) imaging among American Association of Endodontists (AAE) members in the United States by means of an online survey.
Materials and methods: An invitation to participate in a Web-based survey was sent to 3,000 members of the AAE. The survey consisted of 19 questions on demographics, access to CBCT machines, frequency of use for particular applications, and reasons in case CBCT was not used.
Results: A total of 477 endodontists responded to the survey, representing a 15.9% response rate. Around 91.8% of endodontists used CBCT imaging in their practice. Around 86% of endodontists had access to CBCT in their office, while 14% referred their patients to an outside office. Cone-beam computed tomographic units used by endodontists were Carestream (59.6%), Morita (20.8%), and Sirona (5.7%). Around 81.1% of endodontists didn't think CBCT imaging has high risk of radiation exposure; however, 10% of their patients declined CBCT imaging due to both cost and radiation exposure. Around 92.7% requested the segmental view when asking for CBCT. Endodontists’ opinion was that CBCT enhances diagnosis of odontogenic pathosis, anatomical structures, treatment of iatrogenic errors, and diagnosis of nonodontogenic pathosis by 96.4%, 96.3%, 92.2%, and 88%, respectively. Around 93% of endodontists agreed that they would not consider doing CBCT for pregnant women. Majority of endodontists (74.6%) use CBCT in their practice for surgery, followed by 60.2% in nonsurgical retreatment. While 59.1% use CBCT in initial nonsurgical treatment, 44% reported that they use CBCT in endodontic recall and 9.2% use CBCT for pediatric patients.
Conclusion: CBCT technology is becoming the imaging modality of choice for nonsurgical retreatments and presurgical treatment planning. Endodontists deal with complex cases and thus the CBCT is a necessary tool that helps save a lot of time and effort during treatment procedures, looking for canals or determining why a previous treatment failed, and in providing the most comprehensive care.
Clinical significance: With the advancement in technology in the latest era, the three-dimensional CBCT imaging helped provide superior information over the two-dimensional periapical radiograph in making the correct diagnostic decision. This survey enlightened the usage of CBCT among endodontic practitioners in the United States.
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