Keywords :
Dental caries, Eruption pattern of permanent teeth, Fluorosis
Citation Information :
Trivedi A, Banda NR, Mishra N, Singh G, Srivastava E. Evaluation of Eruption Pattern and Caries Occurrence among Children Affected with Fluorosis. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (10):1217-1222.
Aim: The aim of this study was to evaluate eruption pattern and occurrence of caries in children affected with fluorosis.
Materials and methods: One hundred and fifty subjects (75 each with/without fluorosis) with age group of 7–8 years were selected. Dental fluorosis assessed on the buccal surfaces of the permanent incisors and molars and scored using the Thylstrup and Fejerskov index. The tooth were scored as emerged when at least one cusp of the tooth was visible in the mouth. Caries attack rate in primary and permanent teeth were estimated using DMFS and defs index in fluorosis patient. The findings were subjected to statistical analysis. The data were analyzed using Student “t” test and ANOVA “F” test.
Results: There was statistically highly significant difference found in the incidence of occlusal, mesioproximal, and distoproximal caries between fluorotic and nonfluorotic patients (p < 0.001). The result of present study showed a nonsignificant association between fluoride exposure parameter and median emergence ages of permanent incisors and molar teeth. On the other hand, caries occurrence shows a significant association with fluorosis.
Conclusion: In this study, a significant positive correlation exists in the prevalence of caries and fluorosis. It is concluded that occlusal and proximal caries are less pronounced in fluorosis patients.
Clinical significance: Dental caries is a public health problem. In this study, we study the fluoride effect since the predominant cariostatic effect of fluoride is beneficial in extensive caries reduction without a concomitant risk of dental fluorosis.
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