Evaluation of the Prevalence and Severity of Periodontal Diseases between Osteoporotic and Nonosteoporotic Subjects: A Cross-sectional Comparative Study
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Manjunath SH, Rakhewar P, Nahar P, Tambe V, Gabhane M, Kharde A. Evaluation of the Prevalence and Severity of Periodontal Diseases between Osteoporotic and Nonosteoporotic Subjects: A Cross-sectional Comparative Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (10):1223-1228.
Aim: To evaluate the prevalence and severity of periodontal diseases between osteoporotic and nonosteoporotic subjects.
Materials and methods: The study population included 140 subjects (70 osteoporotic and 70 nonosteoporotic) age group of 35–70 years. Skeletal (calcaneal) bone mineral density (BMD) was measured by quantitative ultrasound technique (QUS) for T score values. Periodontal status was examined by plaque index (PI), bleeding index, probing depth (PD) and clinical attachment level. Digital panoramic and intraoral periapical radiographs (IOPA) were taken with fixed reference point for evaluation of bone interdental alveolar bone loss (ABL). The recorded data for T score, interdental ABL and periodontal status were subjected to statistical analysis for correlation and regression procedure.
Results: The prevalence of the periodontal diseases, in osteoporotic group 120 (54.5%) were with periodontitis and in nonosteoporotic group 100 (50%) were with periodontitis. Correlation of T score with age, PI, gingival index (GI), probing pocket depth (PPD), clinical attachment loss (CAL), and ABL in nonosteoporotic group was found statistically not significant. The age was (r = −0.052) indicating positive association with weak correlation, The PI is (r 0.060) indicating positive association, the GI was (r = −0.053) indicating negative association with weak correlation, the PPD was (r = 0.070) indicating positive association with weak correlation, the CAL was (r = 0.133) indicating positive association with weak correlation, ABL was (r 0.027) indicating positive association with weak correlation.
Conclusion: Calcaneal BMD was related to ABL and, to a less extent, to CAL, implicating osteoporotic subjects are at high risk indicator for periodontal diseases.
Clinical significance: Even though the pathogenesis of periodontitis and osteoporosis differs; these diseases have several common risk factors. Both may have a additive impact on patients, which requires concomitant medical and dental management which mandates simultaneous diagnosis of both.
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