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VOLUME 20 , ISSUE 11 ( November, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Effect of Acidic Agents on Microhardness and Surface Morphology of Two Metal Ceramic Materials: An In Vitro Study

Shanthi Priya K, V Pridhvi Krishna, P Lakshmaiah, Manasa Chalapathi, Ganji Devi

Keywords : Acidic agents, Metal ceramics, Microhardness, Surface morphology

Citation Information : K SP, Krishna VP, Lakshmaiah P, Chalapathi M, Devi G. Effect of Acidic Agents on Microhardness and Surface Morphology of Two Metal Ceramic Materials: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (11):1329-1334.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2690

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-12-2018

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of acidic agents on microhardness and surface morphology of two metal ceramic materials at various intervals. Materials and methods: A total of 120 metal ceramic disks were prepared and divided into two categories with 60 each. Each category was divided into two groups, group I (Made of IPS d.SIGN) and group II (made of VITA VMK), containing 30 samples each, which was subdivided into three subgroups each containing 10 samples A(i) B(i) acting as control, A(ii) B(ii) immersed in 0.5% HCl, and A(iii) B(iii) immersed in soft cola drink. Group I was tested for microhardness with Vickers microhardness testing machine at an interval of 0 minute, 24 hours, and 168 hours after immersing in acidic agents. Group II was observed for surface morphology changes with scanning electron microscope before immersion, and at an interval of 24 hours and 168 hours after immersing in acidic agents. The results were analyzed statistically, tabulated, and compared. Results: Results revealed that there was a significant decrease in microhardness of IPS d.SIGN and VITA VMK when immersed in acidic agents at an interval of 0 minute, 24 hours, and 168 hours. There were significant surface morphological changes too of both the ceramics before and after immersing in acidic agents at 24 hours and 168 hours. Conclusion: Acidic agents evaluated in the present study affected microhardness and surface morphology of both the ceramics, and IPS d.SIGN is the most suitable and would be recommended in people who consume acidic beverages. Clinical significance: Durability of dental ceramics is very good, but degradation occurs when exposed to acidic agents. All the properties of ceramics are to be known in depth as they are widely used to construct various types of prostheses, and this has to be considered especially in people who consume acidic foods and drinks.

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