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VOLUME 20 , ISSUE 8 ( August, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Influence of Resin Solvent on Color and Surface Roughness of Aesthetic Restorative Materials

Inas A Elghandour

Keywords : Color change, Detection of resin composites, Laboratory research, Resin composite, Resin remover, Resin solvent, Surface roughness

Citation Information : Elghandour IA. Influence of Resin Solvent on Color and Surface Roughness of Aesthetic Restorative Materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2019; 20 (8):901-906.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2628

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-12-2019

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Aim: The aim of the study was to ascertain the influence of a resin remover on color and surface roughness of two resin composites. Materials and methods: Disc-shaped specimens were fabricated from either a Te-Econom plus microhybrid or a Tetric EvoCeram nanocomposite. The color and surface roughness of the specimens were measured before and after treatment, with a resin remover for 3, 5, and 8 minutes. The color was measured using a reflective spectrophotometer according to the CIE L*a*b* color space measurements. Surface roughness was evaluated using optical profilometry. Results were statistically analyzed using Student's t test, ANOVA, Tukey's post hoc, and Pearson's correlation tests. Results: The resin remover induced a statistically significant color change of both resin composites, which increased with increasing the time of immersion to 8 minutes. The color change of Tetric EvoCeram was higher than that of the Te-Econom Plus. Surface roughness change was more pronounced with Tetric EvoCeram. No correlation was found between changes in color and surface roughness. Conclusion: Resin solvent changed the color of microhybrid and nanocomposite. Increasing the immersion time to 8 minutes increased the color change. The type of composite influenced the changes in color and surface roughness. Clinical significance: Resin solvent had potentials to stain resin composites, which could be helpful in its identification from tooth structure during removal of failed resin composite restorations.

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