A Cross-sectional Study to Evaluate Nuclear Changes in Buccal Mucosa Following Panoramic Radiography
Kalaiselvi Santhosh, Sathick Manzoor, Anu Sushanth, Sakthidaran Seralathan, Vivekanandan Rajasekar, Anoop Jacob
Citation Information :
Santhosh K, Manzoor S, Sushanth A, Seralathan S, Rajasekar V, Jacob A. A Cross-sectional Study to Evaluate Nuclear Changes in Buccal Mucosa Following Panoramic Radiography. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (11):1258-1261.
Aim and objective: To evaluate the possible genotoxic effect of X-rays on buccal mucosa while exposing to dental panoramic radiography using micronucleus test. Materials and methods: The study group comprised of 30 healthy subjects, 15 males and 15 females, aged between 24 years and 65 years. Samples were obtained from the exfoliated oral mucosa cells of buccal mucosa before and 12 days after exposing the patients to panoramic radiography. Results: The study reported that there was no significant increase in the number of micronuclei cells present before and after panoramic radiography. Positive correlation existed between age with pre- and postexposure micronuclei. Conclusion: Diagnostic dental panoramic radiograph does not induce micronuclei in the target buccal epithelium cells. A positive correlation between age and micronuclei frequency was established. Clinical significance: Panoramic radiographs does not induce cytotoxicity but increase frequency may be vulnerable to genotoxic effects in buccal mucosal cells. Hence, dental radiographs should be prescribed only when necessary.
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