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Patil BS, Kamatagi L, Saojii H, Chabbra N, Mutsaddi S. Cervical Microleakage in Giomer Restorations: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (2):161-165.
Aim: The purpose of this in vitro study was to determine the effect of different composite placement techniques on gingival microleakage of giomer restorations. Materials and methods: Sixty class II preparations were created in 30 extracted molar teeth with cervical margins 1 mm below the cementoenamel junction. The teeth were divided into three groups of 10 teeth each. In group I, teeth were restored with open sandwich technique using Beautifil II and Beautifil II Flow. In group II, teeth were restored with snowplow technique using Beautifil II and Beautifil Flow. In group III, teeth were restored with oblique increment technique using Beautifil II. After thermocycling and immersion in 2% methylene blue, the teeth were sectioned and dye penetration was evaluated. Results: Statistically significant reduction in microleakage was found along the gingival walls in snowplow restorations compared to sandwich restoration and oblique increment restorations. Clinical significance: Microleakage was reduced along the gingival walls in snowplow restorations. Conclusion: Microleakage was significantly lower in the snowplow restorations.
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