Aim: The aim of the study was to quantify the specific spatial displacement of gingival zenith (GZ) and determine a representative value for the interdental papilla height as a percentage ratio of clinical crown length (CL), as measured from GZ in the maxillary anterior dentition. Materials and methods: A total of 100 subjects and 1,200 interdental papillae were included. Eighty percent of the population presented with the gingival margin of lateral incisor (LI) teeth positioned coronally to the GZ of the ipsilateral canine (C) and central incisor (CI). Results: No significant difference was found between mesial and distal papilla proportion (DPP) of maxillary incisor groups. In the C group, numerical values showed higher DPP. Conclusion: The data achieved provide the ideal numerical values for prosthetic, restorative, periodontal, implant, postorthodontic, and esthetic treatment outcomes. Clinical significance: The study describes the importance of quantifying the ideal numerical values for prosthetic, restorative, periodontal, implant, postorthodontic, and esthetic treatment outcomes. The readers should understand to quantify the specific spatial displacement of GZ and determine a representative value for the interdental papilla height as a percentage ratio of clinical CL, as measured from GZ in the maxillary anterior dentition.
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