Effect of Simulated Pulpal Pressure on Knoop Hardness of Two Self-etch Adhesives with Different Aggressiveness
Maryam Firouzmandi, Maryam Firouzmandi, Mina Mohaghegh, Sonia Hessami
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Firouzmandi M, Firouzmandi M, Mohaghegh M, Hessami S. Effect of Simulated Pulpal Pressure on Knoop Hardness of Two Self-etch Adhesives with Different Aggressiveness. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (6):673-677.
Aim: Simulated pulpal pressure (PP) has been shown to affect the bond strength and nanoleakage of different adhesives at dentin interfaces but the effect of simulated PP on polymerization of adhesives has not been studied yet. Furthermore, it has been proposed that strong and mild self-etch adhesives have different polymerization behaviors. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of simulated PP on polymerization of two self-etch adhesives, Adper Prompt L-Pop (APLP) and Adper Easy Bond (AEB), by means of the Knoop hardness test. Materials and methods: Sixty caries-free human molars were used to prepare deep dentin specimens with a mean remaining dentin thickness of 0.9 mm. The specimens were bonded in the absence or presence of PP. The specimens were assigned to four equal groups (n = 15) as follows: AEB/-PP, APLP/-PP, AEB/+PP, and APLP/+PP. Bonding procedures were completed; then the specimens’ hardness was measured with the Knoop test. Data were analyzed with two-way ANOVA and the t test. Results: In the absence of PP, the hardness of AEB was significantly higher than that of APLP (p < 0.001). In contrast, when PP was simulated, the hardness of APLP was higher than that of AEB (p = 0.002). The hardness of AEB was not influenced by the presence of PP (p = 0.153). Simulation of PP resulted in a significant improvement in the hardness of APLP (p < 0.001). Conclusion: The polymerization degree of strong self-etch adhesive was lower compared to mild self-etch adhesive. In the presence of hydrostatic PP, the polymerization degree of strong self-etch adhesive was higher than mild self-etch adhesive. Clinical significance: Dentin moisture caused by positive PP might improve polymerization of strong self-etch adhesives.
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