Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Antifungal Effects of ProRoot MTA and Nano-fast Cement: An In Vitro Study
Fariborz Moazami, Ahmad Gholami, Vahid Mehrabi, Yasamin Ghahramani
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Moazami F, Gholami A, Mehrabi V, Ghahramani Y. Evaluation of the Antibacterial and Antifungal Effects of ProRoot MTA and Nano-fast Cement: An In Vitro Study. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (7):760-764.
Aim: One of the most vital characteristics of an ideal root filling material is the capability to inhibit the growth of the microorganisms. Mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) is one of the most used root repair materials, with approved antibacterial effect. A newly introduced root repair material is nano-fast cement (NFC) which should be investigated. The antibacterial and antifungal activities of NFC were evaluated in the present study. Materials and methods:Enterococcus faecalis (PTCC 1394), Escherichia coli (ATTC 15224), and Candida albicans (PTCC 5027) were employed for the antimicrobial assessment. The following were the steps used to conduct the agar diffusion test (ADT): six agar plates were used. 0.5 McFarland concentration of each strain was cultured on two plates by a sterile cotton-tipped swab. Three holes with 5mm diameter were created on each plate. Freshly mixed cement was placed in the holes of the related plate. After two hours, the plates were incubated at 37°C for 24 hours. Then, the diameter of the growth inhibition zones were measured, and the mean values were used for the analysis. Direct contact test (DCT) was done by using the following steps: Freshly mixed materials were placed in the 96-well microtiter plate. 10 μL of each bacterial suspension was added to the tested cement. After one-hour incubation at 37°C, 245 μL of BHI broth was added to each well, and the plate was vortexed for 2 minutes. About 15 μL of this bacterial suspension was added to a new well which contained 215 μL of fresh medium. The kinetics of the bacterial outgrowth were measured by the microplate spectrophotometer hourly for 12 hours. Results: No significant differences were observed between the diameters of the growth inhibition zones of MTA and NFC groups in ADT. In DCT, the MTA inhibits E. coli more effectively than NFC (p value < 0.001). Both cements had the same inhibitory effect on E. faecalis and C. albicans.Conclusion: The MTA and NFC are almost equally effective against the tested microorganisms. Clinical significance: The antibacterial characteristic of any dental material is an important matter. As well, the antibacterial efficacy of the NFC should be evaluated.
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