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VOLUME 21 , ISSUE 7 ( July, 2020 ) > List of Articles


Sealants and White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics: A Review

Amal I Linjawi

Citation Information : Linjawi AI. Sealants and White Spot Lesions in Orthodontics: A Review. J Contemp Dent Pract 2020; 21 (7):808-814.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-2882

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 30-10-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2020; The Author(s).


Aim: This literature review aims to update the evidence for prevention of white spot lesion (WSL) using orthodontic sealants among patients with fixed orthodontic appliances. Background: As a major issue among orthodontists, prolonged treatment duration increases the risk of plaque development around orthodontic brackets and bands. In consequence, this can lead to heightened risk for caries development and higher possibility of WSL development around fixed orthodontic brackets. Results: Increased prevalence of WSLs generally occurs during orthodontic treatment. This review explored various products of orthodontic sealants used to prevent WSL. Orthodontic sealants do not require patient compliance and thus will further lessen the burden among orthodontists as well as support enamel surface for a long period of time during treatment. Certain factors, however, are considered important in the efficacy of these sealants, such as antibacterial activity, color stability, resistance to acid and brush abrasion, and their effect on shear bond strength (SBS). Conclusion: The review showed that the use of orthodontic sealants in preventing WSLs during and after fixed orthodontic treatment is significantly effective. However, the bioactive glass is deemed more effective against WSL development due to its ability to immediately repair enamel surface, low cytotoxicity, and high biocompatibility. Moreover, clinical studies on bioactive glass are still needed to determine its acceptability among patients with fixed orthodontic appliance. Clinical significance: Development of WSL around the orthodontic brackets during treatment is a difficult task among orthodontists. As such, this review explored various strategies to effectively combat WSL development for good oral health and esthetics during orthodontic treatment.

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