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VOLUME 22 , ISSUE 2 ( February, 2021 ) > List of Articles


Spectrophotometric Analysis of Different Flowable Restorative Materials

Abeer E ElEmbaby, Mouneir Slais, Ali Alawami, Mohammed Alabbad, Mishari Alsowyan, Neveen Hanna, Hala Bahgat

Citation Information : ElEmbaby AE, Slais M, Alawami A, Alabbad M, Alsowyan M, Hanna N, Bahgat H. Spectrophotometric Analysis of Different Flowable Restorative Materials. J Contemp Dent Pract 2021; 22 (2):111-116.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10024-3031

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 17-12-2021

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2021; Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd.


Aim: To compare the color change of three flowable composites after exposure to staining solutions. Materials and methods: A total of 240 oval samples were constructed of conventional flowable resin composite, self-adhesive flowable resin composite, and nanohybrid flowable ormocer (n = 80). Each set was further subcategorized into three subsets as regards staining solution. The baseline color parameters were recorded using spectrophotometer after the immersion of the specimens in artificial saliva for 24 hours. Then, the measurements were taken again after exposure to staining solutions where the color change was measured as ∆E* = √ (∆L*2 + ∆a*2 + ∆b*2). Results: Conventional flowable resin composite had the best color stability in all staining solutions. The coffee was concluded to be the most staining solution. Compared to beverages, mouthwashes had a greater discoloration effect on nanohybrid flowable ormocer than on self-adhesive flowable composite. Conclusion: Conventional flowable composite had the highest color stability among the tested materials, followed by flowable nanohybrid ormocer, and the least was self-adhering flowable composite. Coffee had the greatest discoloration effect, followed by a sports drink and then the energy drink. However, mouthwashes did not have a significant discoloration effect. Clinical significance: Selection of flowable composite materials that are resistant to staining by coffee, beverages, or mouthwashes is an important factor that may influence the sustainability of the esthetic quality of the restoration.

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